About Me

My name is Mrs. Davis and I am a 7th and 8th grade behavior teacher in upstate NY. I have been teaching Emotionally Disturbed children for three years and love every bit. It is the most challenging position I have ever possessed and would not change it for anything. I have recently begun to search for different ways to incorporate technology in my class. This site is just the beginning of the many creative ways I will help my students learn what I am learning.

Philispohical Ideals

 My philosophical ideals about education is that every child can learn, just give them the tools and show them the way. With the population of students I work with they just need the tools and a bit of encouragement, the rest is then history. Learning is a life long goal, and just because we grow up doesn't mean that we stop learning. I also believe that everyone has the ability to make a choice. The choice that one makes will determine a consequence that may be good or not so good. Because it was ones choice in the first place we need to take ownership of that consequence. It is my job as a professional and a teacher to help my students understand that they do have a choice in their future and that they have a choice in their lives, but I also have to prepare them for the consequence of what they choose. It is also my responsibility to create an environment in my classroom that is open, calm, and ready for children to learn and explore. With exploration comes knowledge, with trial and error comes outcomes. Life is full of them, and the classroom is just one part of that. If I can incorporate all these ideals and more I can and will help change the life of a child. Showing them that they can be all that they can be. They are more than just students, they are my inspiration to do better and I am theirs.